Scottish Prison Service

East Renfrewshire Council pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Colin McConnell, Chief Executive, May 2019


1st Commitment

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A key function of prisons is keeping the public safe. This is achieved firstly by keeping those sentenced by the Courts to our care in safe and secure custody. However to help make communities safer in the long term, prisons must promote desistance from crime in order to reduce reoffending.

This is more effective if opportunities delivered in prison settings are informed by the ‘lived experience’ of those in the justice system. We will therefore further develop our approach to listening to the voices of those in our care to ensure that they have a voice in the development of prison strategy and policy. We will do this by developing and implementing a framework for user voice over the course of the corporate planning period.

Geographical location of impact: Scotland
Contact details: Office of the Chief Executive, Calton House, 5 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9HW, Telephone Number 0131 330 3602

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We are committed to introducing a new model of care for women who have been sentenced to custody that recognises and addresses the distinct needs of women. A feature of this approach is the development of our new Community Custody Units in Glasgow and Dundee.

Key to the success of these units is the development of positive and constructive relationships with the communities in which they are located. While the CCUs are being constructed we will engage with community leaders across all sectors to ensure that the new units will be regarded as ‘good neighbours’ with the potential to enhance the areas in which they are located.        

Geographical location of impact: Glasgow, Dundee
Contact details: Office of the Chief Executive, Calton House, 5 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9HW, Telephone Number 0131 330 3602


  3rd Commitment

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‘Collaboration’ is one of the Strategic Themes in our new Corporate Plan 2019/22 in recognition of the fact that working in partnership with other agencies is the best way of supporting the successful reintegration of those leaving custody back into their communities. This is because third and independent sector organisations are often more ‘trusted’ than statutory organisations. As such they have a significant role to play in reintegration planning.

In order to fully recognise and promote this we will be rolling out our new Partnership Agreements in 2019/20 with a view to increasing the involvement of third and independent sector organisations in the design and delivery of prison services.

Geographical location of impact: Scotland
Contact details: Office of the Chief Executive, Calton House, 5 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9HW, Telephone Number 0131 330 3602


Additional Information

The SPS published its new Corporate Plan 2019/22 in April 2019. This is based around 5 Strategic Themes:

 -  Development

 -  Engagement

 -  Impact

 -  Standards,

 -  Collaboration

The Plan restates our continuing belief in ‘citizen recovery’ and recognises that in order to maximise the opportunities available to those sentenced to custody to make changes in their lives we need to work hand in hand with partners and stakeholders including communities. Transforming the lives of those in our care is the key to reducing reoffending and making Scotland a safer place.               

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