Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

CEO, March 2018


1st Commitment

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Through our extended Schools Ambassador programme we will offer the opportunity for work placement or mentoring here in the SCQF Partnership.

Geographical location of impact: G2 2LW
Contact details:


2nd Commitment

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We will offer up our boardroom free to a wider range of small local community groups

Geographical location of impact: G2 2LW
Contact details:


  3rd Commitment

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We will provide an opportunity for a 12 month internship for a graduate

Geographical location of impact: G2 2LW
Contact details:

SCQF logo.jpg