The Care Inspectorate
/The Care Inspectorate pledges to:
Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community.
We will do the following things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.
Signed by Jackie Irvine, Chief Executive, April 2023
1st Commitment
We will aim to introduce new methods of engagement and participation as part of our commitment to Keep The Promise and incorporate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into our work. We further commit to review our inclusion of marginalised communities. This will help to ensure people’s views are heard and acted on. Developing participation in this way will contribute to achieving our strategic outcome that ‘everyone’s rights [are] realised and respected’.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland-wide
Contact details: Amanda Tough, Involvement and Equalities Team Manager, Telephone: 0345 600 9527
2nd Commitment
As part of the Anne’s Law Project, we will engage with people experiencing care, their families and friends, and service providers to develop guidance and share good practice. This will enhance and promote meaningful connection, community involvement and visiting rights for people who live in adult and older people’s care homes.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland-wide
Contact details: Gareth Hammond, Team Manager, Telephone: 0345 600 9527
3rd Commitment
We will work in collaboration with stakeholders including Scottish Government, local authorities, third sector organisations and independent service providers to support the design of approaches which deliver safe, accessible and welcoming accommodation options for refugees and asylum seekers across Scotland.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland-wide
Contact details: Helen Happer, Chief Inspector, Telephone: 0345 600 9527