Scottish Social Services Council

Scottish Social Services Council pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive, February 2018.


1st Commitment

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Our employees support a range of voluntary work and community-focused activities that benefit the local area. For example, we raise funds for local and national charities through sponsored walks and bake sales. We will continue to actively promote, encourage and enable our staff to undertake these activities.

We will also encourage staff to identify further ways of supporting their community, for example participating in activities that benefit the wider community and area for team development events. We will continue to build on our previous commitments, for example allowing Children’s Hearings to hold recruitment interviews in Compass House at the weekend.

Geographical location of impact: Scotland, particularly Dundee and surrounding area
Contact details:


2nd Commitment

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We will continue to promote and undertake recycling as part of our operations and move towards a more digitally enabled organisation. We do this in a manner that supports the environment and promotes supported employment. We work with a social enterprise that provides meaningful and sustained employment for vulnerable and disadvantaged adults to repurpose and recycle our IT equipment.      

Geographical location of impact: Scotland, particularly Dundee, surrounding area and Glasgow
Contact details:


  3rd Commitment

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As part of our annual planning process, we have committed to introducing a more systematic approach to involving people in the planning and delivery of our work. To further our commitment to young people in particular, we will support and increase youth employment by offering high-quality work placements to young people in the local area.

Geographical location of impact: Dundee and surrounding area.
Contact details:

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