The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission

The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Neil Stevenson, Chief Executive, February 2018.


1st Commitment

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To allow our Board room to be used in evenings to host Board Meetings and/or Graduate Group events of the Scottish Charity (SC045519) Changing the Chemistry which aims to support diversity of thought on Scottish public, private and third sector non-exec Boards. To provide volunteer staffing to ensure health and safety and security during these events. To allow the use of catering facilities. To allow use of ‘dial in’ conferencing to widen geographic impact.

Geographical location of impact: EH1 3EG – with wider impact Scotland wide (central belt and Inverness in particular)
Contact details:


2nd Commitment

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To allow our Board room to be used in evenings to host rehearsals of Bel Canto community choir. To provide volunteer staffing to ensure health and safety and security during these events. To allow the use of catering facilities.  

Geographical location of impact: EH1 3EG - Central Belt
Contact details:


  3rd Commitment

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To take on our first ever Apprentice, to deliver that apprenticeship, and to assess whether there may be a longer term ability offer apprenticeships every one to two years to offer non-graduate roles in the organisation for school leavers.

Geographical location of impact: EH1 3EG but likely to recruit from Lothian, Borders and Fife
Contact details:


Additional Information

The SLCC is a relatively small public body and receives no government or public funding, instead raising a statutory levy from the legal sector to pay for the cost of complaints about lawyers and the delivery of our other statutory responsibilities. Our legislation is clear that we can only apply a levy to meet our expenditure on our functions.

We approached the Social Impact Pledge with a desire to ensure each year we considered and improved our wider contribution to society, whilst ensuring that activities did not generate any additional costs, nor prohibit any savings, which could be seen as inappropriate by our stakeholders/funders.
