Student Awards Agency Scotland

Students Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Paul Lowe, Chief Executive, June 2018


1st Commitment

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Reach out to charities who advocate for, and provide support to, a diverse group of individuals/groups to raise awareness of the aptitude of support available to staff, depending on their individual needs. This will include sourcing training for staff, providing charities with the opportunity to recruit volunteers, and fundraising for the charities selected.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh
Contact details:


2nd Commitment

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Provide meaningful work experience opportunities to individuals from Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas in order to provide opportunities to build employability skills.   

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh
Contact details:


  3rd Commitment

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Organise a volunteering day with a local charity in the Edinburgh area to participate and assist with a variety of tasks which will help to make sustained progress in key projects the charities are undertaking. This may include general maintenance or animal welfare duties.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh
Contact details:


Additional Information

Forth Valley College already do a lot of work within the community some examples of which are found below. Signing up to the Social Impact Pledge will enable the College to enhance the impact they are making and also ensuring it is continuously reviewing its impact to the wider community.

Examples of the community reach include but are not limited to:

  • FVC students have cleared overgrown pathways in Plean Country Park to enable the local community to walk there again.

  • FVC have donated food to Salvation Army, KLS Community and Homestart.

  • IT have recycled the College’s old smartboards to local schools for their use

  • FVC meeting facilities are provided at a reduced rate and sometimes free of charge to local community groups

  • In collaboration with Springboard FVC invite high school pupils from the local are in, twice per year, to take part in workshops and taster sessions with the College and local businesses.
