National Records of Scotland

National Records of Scotland pledges to:

Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.

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In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.

Anne Slater, Acting Chief Executive, October 2018.


1st Commitment

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Doors Open Day 2018 - a special display of historical records in the Historical Search Room designed to appeal to younger visitors, including:

  • expert tours of GRH and NRH;

  • an opportunity to meet young archivists and other specialists; another chance to see the women’s suffrage in Scotland exhibition (Matheson Dome);

  • a rare opportunity to see one of only two surviving documents with a personal link to William Wallace (NRH Dome); and

  • a fly-through video of Register House in 1796 and in the present in the LCR.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh
Contact details:


2nd Commitment

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Collaborating with the Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualisation (CDDV), (a partnership between Historic Environment Scotland and the Glasgow School of Art), through the provision of high quality images of the Forth Railway Bridge and related records and assisting with historical research, to develop the Go Forth digital education resources as part of the 3D Forth Bridges Project.

These resources use 3D interactive models of the Forth Railway and Road Bridges based on 3D laser scan data to create animations, digital games, virtual reality tours and learning resources which will be freely accessible to school children across Scotland.

Geographical location of impact: Scotland
Contact details:


  3rd Commitment

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Presentations on a range of demographic statistics at various free events in 2018 including:

Fire Starter Festival - celebrating creativity and innovation in Public Service.  Presentation on how Scotland’s population is changing and what the implications of this are as part of a free public event called ‘Data - The Final Frontier’, discussing how we use data to support the public sector in Scotland for the benefit of its citizens. 

The Gathering - the largest free third sector event in the UK.  Presentation on how Scotland’s population is changing, how we think it will change further and the implications this has for the third sector and others.  Highlighting the various statistical information we publish, free of charge, which is available to everyone.  Offering information about our plans for the Scotland’s Census 2021 and highlighting and exploring ways that we think we can work with organisations across the third sector as we plan for the next census.

DataFest18 - a festival of data innovation run by The Data Lab, with events hosted across Scotland.  Presentation on how Scotland’s population is changing at three events in Inverness, Edinburgh and Glasgow, free and open to the public, as part of the ‘Designing with Data’ Fringe events.

South West Edinburgh Communities Forum – presentation on how Scotland’s population is changing and why population change is important, as well as how to find and access government statistics.  Including a particular emphasis on providing the forum with insight on statistics related to the south west Edinburgh area, and those of most interest to local communities.

Geographical location of impact: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness
Contact details:

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