Historic Environment Scotland
/Historic Environment Scotland pledges to:
Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.
In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.
Alex Paterson, Chief Executive, March 2019
1st Commitment
Social Value of the Historic Environment to Scotland
In partnership with Historic England we will develop a framework to measure the wellbeing benefits of the historic environment to individuals and communities. Alongside that, HES is funding a PhD, jointly with Stirling University, on the social value of the historic environment. This is year 2 of a 3 year project which will lead to publisher research on this subject matter.
We will also support the role of the historic environment in education and learning through developing a framework to support learning activity, including materials based on the historic environment to be used as part of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum in schools.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland wide
Contact details: Karen Robertson, Senior Research Manager, e-mail karen.robertson@hes.scot telephone 0131 668 8813
2nd Commitment
Accessing Scotland’s Historic Environment
To further advance our ‘inclusion’ initiative and support the HES Access Policy we will introduce changes to our Education Visits Policy to better support young people from SEBD (social, emotional and behavioural difficulties) schools or schools in areas low on Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation to visit and interact with Scotland’s historic environment.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland wide
Contact details: Craig Fletcher, Senior Learning Manager, e-mail craig.fletcher@hes.scot telephone: 0131 668 8813
3rd Commitment
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Historic Environment Scotland will explore what intangible cultural heritage means for Scotland, both at a local and national level and develop a HES policy statement on our role in relation to intangible cultural heritage, with a view to working with museums and the wider creative sector on a Scotland-wide position.
Geographical location of impact: Scotland wide
Contact details: Adam Jackson, Head of Strategy & Policy e-mail adam.jackson@hes.scot telephone 0131 668 8086
Additional Information
Forth Valley College already do a lot of work within the community some examples of which are found below. Signing up to the Social Impact Pledge will enable the College to enhance the impact they are making and also ensuring it is continuously reviewing its impact to the wider community.
Examples of the community reach include but are not limited to:
FVC students have cleared overgrown pathways in Plean Country Park to enable the local community to walk there again.
FVC have donated food to Salvation Army, KLS Community and Homestart.
IT have recycled the College’s old smartboards to local schools for their use
FVC meeting facilities are provided at a reduced rate and sometimes free of charge to local community groups
In collaboration with Springboard FVC invite high school pupils from the local are in, twice per year, to take part in workshops and taster sessions with the College and local businesses.