Dundee City Council
/Dundee City Council pledges to:
Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.
In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.
David Martin, Chief Executive, March 2019.
1st Commitment
Promote the Breakthrough programme to our employees and encourage them to become mentors. This programme aims to transform the lives and boost the life chances of young people who are care experienced, those on the periphery of the care system, young carers, those living with families with addictions and those who are vulnerable.
Geographical location of impact: Dundee city-wide
Contact details: Karen Gunn, Manager Discover Work Service, karen.gunn@dundeecity.gov.uk
2nd Commitment
Establish a Dundee Fairness Commission where people with lived experience of poverty will work together with leaders from influential organisations to investigate and recommend solutions to problems faced by people and communities struggling on low incomes.
Geographical location of impact: Dundee city-wide
Contact details: Peter Allan, Community Planning Manager peter.allan@dundeecity.gov.uk
3rd Commitment
Campaign alongside businesses and partners to increase the number of employers paying the real Living Wage and Make Dundee a Living Wage City.
Additional Information
View Dundee City Council's February 2018 pledge in our past pledges section