Scottish Ambulance Service
/Scottish Ambulance Service pledges to:
Challenge ourselves to increase the positive impact we make on our local community and make better use of our assets – our buildings/grounds and our people.
In the next six months we will do at least three things that we don’t do at the moment to improve our social impact.
Chief Executive, 28th June 2019
1st Commitment
To work with Skills Development Scotland to help Scottish Ambulance Service volunteers to mentor people not in employment, education or training (NIEET) in order to enhance their skills.
Geographical location of impact: Staff from across Scotland may volunteer.
Contact details: Deirde Joy
To introduce foundation apprenticeships where 5th and 6th year pupils get the opportunity to study while working with the Scottish Ambulance Service as part of their senior academic years.
Geographical location of impact: Initially Edinburgh
Contact details:
3rd Commitment
Perth College is the largest of the 13 Academic Partners which make up the University of the Highlands and Islands (PCUHI). In line with other UHI academic-partners, PCUHI is focused on widening access to educational opportunities to help ensure fair access to higher education by supporting those who have the ability and potential to benefit from a higher education, irrespective of their background or economic circumstances to do so.
Representatives from PCUHI and SAS will meet before the end of June, and will explore options for SAS involvement with students and staff at PCUHI.
Geographical location of impact: Initially Perth
Contact details: Lee Davies and Sharon.hammell