JustRight Scotland
/JustRight Scotland provides legal advice to people who would otherwise struggle to access justice.
Read MoreJustRight Scotland provides legal advice to people who would otherwise struggle to access justice.
Read MoreWe’ve complied a list of useful resources and guides to help you to ensure that your events and information are as accessible as possible.
Read MoreA membership organisation which represents the views of disabled people and disability groups/organisations, as well as the umbrella organisation for disability Access Panels in Scotland, which are groups of disabled volunteers who work together to improve physical access and wider social inclusion in their local communities.
Read MoreMaking Rights Real is a grassroots human rights organisation that supports communities to name and claim their rights.
Read MoreThe Social Impact Pledge is about simple ways that public bodies can make a difference to communities. Here are some pledges made by public bodies that make commitments to promote equality and human rights.
Read MoreLGBT Health and Wellbeing (LGBT Healthy Living Centre) was set up in 2003 to promote the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland. It provides support, services and information to improve health and wellbeing, reduce social isolation and stimulate community development and volunteering.
Read MoreHomeless Network Scotland aims to bring together the different sectors, organisations and individuals that want to put an end to homelessness and to retain a long-term overview.
Read MoreThe Scottish Government website has a searchable database of all its policies, with links taking you to the appropriate landing page for the policy you are interested in.
Read MoreGetting on Board supports people to become charity trustees, particularly those who are currently under-represented on trustee boards. They have a range of resources that could be useful for ensuring your community group represents your wider community.
Read MoreThe Poverty Alliance works alongside people experiencing poverty to influence policies at local and national level that will have an impact on poverty.
Read MoreThe Equality Network is a leading national charity working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland
Read MoreEqually Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) is a UK charity that brings together people and organisations working across equality, human rights and social justice to make a reality of these in everyone’s lives.
Read MoreIn addition to providing direct support to people in need of refugee protection, the Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) works with community groups led by people with lived-experience of seeking protection in Scotland, as well as welcome groups. They offer advice, workshops, community development support, networking and other support.
Read MoreSense Scotland works with children and adults who have communication support needs because of deafblindness, sensory impairment, learning and physical disabilities. They also provide communication and innovative support services for people who are marginalised because of challenging behaviour, health care issues and the complexity of their support needs.
Read MoreOutside the box provides training and support to to people from communities in Scotland who want to make changes. It has a good suite of resources that can guide community groups through working with diverse groups, including disabled people, older people, people who are living with the consequences of poverty or social isolation, carers and people who are also experiencing additional barriers as a consequence of age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality.
Read MoreLGBT Youth Scotland works to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBT youth and LGBT communities in Scotland through a range of services including advice and information services and national initiatives.
Read MoreInclusion Scotland aims to change policy and practice so that disabled people are fully included throughout all Scottish society as equal citizens. They do this by influencing decision-makers, supporting disabled people to be decision-makers themselves, and developing capacity, awareness and engagement.
Read MoreConcise guide from Renfrewshire Access Panel in partnership with Renfrewshire Council on things you need to think about to make your activities as inclusive as possible.
Read MoreThe Scottish Government has created a resource which community organisations can use to find equality policies in relation to both equality characteristic and policy areas.
Read MoreThe Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) promotes and upholds equality and human rights ideals and laws across England, Scotland and Wales. It has produced a guide for voluntary and community organisations on how they can ensure they are meeting equality law.
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