Community development
/Community development is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them. We’ve provided a list of specific community development resources and support.
Read MoreCommunity development is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them. We’ve provided a list of specific community development resources and support.
Read MoreThis online learning resource, divided over 10 modules, is designed to build the skills, confidence and knowledge of refugee-led organisations and refugee supporting organisations, although most of the materials will be useful to any community group.
Read MoreEducation Scotland is a Scottish Government agency which supports and monitors different forms of education in Scotland. Its website contains a section on community learning and development (CLD), which the activity of community groups clearly fits into.
Read MoreVolunteer Scotland is a national charity which supports people to get involved in volunteering as well as providing organisations with guidance, training, disclosure services and other support to recruit and manage volunteers.
Read MoreCo-operate is part of the Co-operative Group, and is a website providing information to help local community groups across the UK in their activities, and also for people to find relevant local groups. The website includes a ‘how to’ section with guides to funding, finding a venue, planning activities, getting started and more.
Read MoreHealth Issues in the Community (HIIC) is a course that helps people understand what affects their health and the health of their communities.
Read MoreCommunity capacity building means supporting communities to achieve the changes they want to see. This animated video from Scottish Community Development Centre explains how this is done and why it is needed.
Read MoreWhatever stage you are at, you could do worse than get in touch with your local organisation that supports voluntary organisations (sometimes called third sector interfaces) to ask about what support is on offer. The Scottish Government provides contact details for TSIs across Scotland.
Read MoreScottish Community Development Centre offers resources, guides, networks and a range of training and development support to community organisations and people working with communities across Scotland.
Read MoreScottish Community Alliance (SCA) is a coalition of community based, national networks and intermediaries – each one representing a different aspect of Scotland’s diverse community sector. SCA manages the Community Learning Exhange, which provides funding for community organisations to visit other groups in order to learn from each other and share ideas and approaches.
Read MoreSupporting Communities is a programme of support for community organisations and their local partners. The programme is intended to enable community organisations (at all levels and stages) to improve their effectiveness and influence over the community needs and priorities that they are involved in tackling.
Read MoreAn online resource from the United States containing freely available tools on a variety of tools offering step-by-step guidance in, amongst other things, community-building skills.
Read MoreCommunity capacity building is about supporting people to develop their skills, abilities and confidence to take effective action together in and for their community. Building Stronger Communities helps organisations and community groups to work together to build community capacity.
Read MoreThe Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations require local authorities and their partners to develop three year CLD Plans for their area. They should identify learning and support priorities within the community and how these will be achieved. Local plans must be based on consultation with communities and community organisations.
Read MoreOutside the box provides training and support to to people from communities in Scotland who want to make changes. It has a good suite of resources that can guide community groups through working with diverse groups, including disabled people, older people, people who are living with the consequences of poverty or social isolation, carers and people who are also experiencing additional barriers as a consequence of age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality.
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