Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland
/Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland is the Scottish hub of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. It aims to want to see Scotland's economy reprogrammed so it puts people and planet first.
Read MoreWellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland is the Scottish hub of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. It aims to want to see Scotland's economy reprogrammed so it puts people and planet first.
Read MoreScottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing (SCHW) is a coming together of 74 community-led organisations across Scotland supporting health and wellbeing in their communities.
Read MoreThis directory provides a searchable database of local anti-poverty initiatives from communities across Scotland and beyond.
Read MoreParticipation requests are a way for communities to work with public bodies to make services better. This resource pack contains a range of guides, tools and templates to help you understand the participation request process, the language and terms that are used, and the process involved.
Read MoreIf your group is working to improve public services, it may help to know about human learning systems, an alternative approach to public management which embraces the complexity of the real world, and enables us to work effectively in that complexity.
Read MoreSURF provides a network, shared learning, events and online resources for community regeneration in Scotland. Their website contains useful information on Covid-19, the cost of living, 20-minute neighbourhoods, community wealth building and more.
Read MoreScottish Rural Action is a platform for rural and island Scotland and works with members and partners to build a rural movement connecting rural communities with each other and with policticians and decision-makers. Amongst many other things, the SRA delivers the biennial Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament
Read MoreThrough the Ideas Fund, community groups can apply for Community Grants to work with researchers to explore issues important to them.
Read MoreCommunity Knowledge Matters is a network bringing together people interested in community-led research shaping practice & policy change in mental health and wellbeing in the Highlands & Islands and beyond.
Read MoreCHEX promotes and supports community-led health, a way for people in a community to take joint action to improve things for their community, leading to improved health and wellbeing and helping to address health inequalities. Most community-led activity fits this description, and CHEX welcomes any interested community groups to join its network and take advantage of resources, support and other opportunities on offer. CHEX also provides a searchable database of community-led health organisations.
Read MoreThe Community Wellbeing Exchange is a funded programme enabling community organisations to buy mental health and wellbeing focused activities from social enterprises. It provides a menu of over 170 activities that you may be interested in whether or not you are part of the programme.
Read MoreThe Social Impact Pledge is about simple ways that public bodies can make a difference to communities. Here are some pledges made by public bodies that make commitments to work in partnership with community organisations and other local organisations.
Read MoreOur Place is a new site devoted to promoting the benefits of place and place-based working. It contains information, tools and resources to help support the development of places and services that improve our health, our prosperity, our quality of life and protect our environment.
Read More‘Place-based approaches’ bring local people and organisations together to work in partnership to agree what works and what could be improved as well as putting a plan in place for how to do this. It’s a term that has become more common in recent years and the Scottish Government is currently interested in place-based approaches, so it may be useful for community groups to get a sense of what it’s all about.
Read MoreCommunity councils are the most local tier of elected representation in Scotland. The Community Councils website is managed by the Improvement Service on behalf of Scottish Government, and provides community councils with guidance, examples and updates. It also contains a map for finding yout local community council.
Read MoreCo-operate is part of the Co-operative Group, and is a website providing information to help local community groups across the UK in their activities, and also for people to find relevant local groups. The website includes a ‘how to’ section with guides to funding, finding a venue, planning activities, getting started and more.
Read MoreCo-production describes a relationship between service providers and service user that draws on the knowledge, ability and resources of both to develop better services. The Scottish Co-production Network aims to develop practice around co-production in Scotland, and is free and open to anyone who is interested in co-production in Scotland.
Read MoreWhatever stage you are at, you could do worse than get in touch with your local organisation that supports voluntary organisations (sometimes called third sector interfaces) to ask about what support is on offer. The Scottish Government provides contact details for TSIs across Scotland.
Read MoreThis online search tool enables you to search for local voluntary organisations across Scotland based on names, keywords, locations and activities.
Read MoreEvidence for Success is a series of guides which support you to engage with evidence in different ways to influence policy and practice and to improve your own work with your communities
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