Community development
/Community development is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them. We’ve provided a list of specific community development resources and support.
Read MoreCommunity development is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them. We’ve provided a list of specific community development resources and support.
Read MoreThe Scottish Community Development Network (SCDN) is a member-led organisation, for community workers and community development workers, paid or unpaid, full or part time, from the community, voluntary or public sectors, who support the principles and practice of community development. SCDN is open to anyone with an interest in community development in Scotland.
Read MoreIACD is the international network for community development. It promotes participative democracy, sustainable development, rights, economic opportunity, equaltiy and social justice through the organisation, education, and empowerment of people within their communities.
Read MoreHealth Issues in the Community (HIIC) is a course that helps people understand what affects their health and the health of their communities.
Read MoreCommunity Development Alliance Scotland is a member organisation that brings together networks and organisations in Scotland and beyond to promote policy and practice that supports community development.
Read MoreScottish Community Development Centre offers resources, guides, networks and a range of training and development support to community organisations and people working with communities across Scotland.
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