Crisis Recovery
/If your community group is really worried about your future sustainability or facing very severe challenges and not sure where to turn, you can access fast-response advice and support through this service.
Read MoreIf your community group is really worried about your future sustainability or facing very severe challenges and not sure where to turn, you can access fast-response advice and support through this service.
Read MoreJustRight Scotland provides legal advice to people who would otherwise struggle to access justice.
Read MoreCommunity development is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them. We’ve provided a list of specific community development resources and support.
Read MoreGet Growing Scotland is a platform to inspire, connect, and share knowledge with everyone interested in growing food and building happier, healthier, and more resilient communities for the future.
Read MoreThe Scottish Community Development Network (SCDN) is a member-led organisation, for community workers and community development workers, paid or unpaid, full or part time, from the community, voluntary or public sectors, who support the principles and practice of community development. SCDN is open to anyone with an interest in community development in Scotland.
Read MoreChild Poverty Action Group (CPAG) works on behalf of the more than one in four children in the UK growing up in poverty. This includes understanding what causes poverty, the impact it has on children’s lives, and how it can be prevented and solved.
Read MoreThe Community Transport Association provides support, advice, training and information in relation to community transport.
Read MoreThe John Muir Trust is a leading voice for the UK's wild places, dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of the UK's wild places, for the benefit of all. The Trust works in partnership with communities, including in relation to land buy-outs and is the home of the John Muir Award.
Read MorePlanning Democracy is a community-led organisation campaigning to strengthen the voice and influence of the public in the planning and development of Scotland’s land. It provides peer support, training, networking, resources and advice.
Read MoreThe Money Guiders Network is designed to give different types of organisations and practitioners the support and information that can help make it easier for to talk to others about their money worries.
Read MoreMoney Advice Scotland is a charity that helps people in debt, suppors money advisers, and influences policy. It also offers information and other services for community groups working to support people through financial hardship.
Read MoreCommunity mediation is a way of resolving disputes between those who live in the same area or neighbourhood, whether between neighbours, different groups of people or whole areas.
Read MoreA membership organisation which represents the views of disabled people and disability groups/organisations, as well as the umbrella organisation for disability Access Panels in Scotland, which are groups of disabled volunteers who work together to improve physical access and wider social inclusion in their local communities.
Read MoreMaking Rights Real is a grassroots human rights organisation that supports communities to name and claim their rights.
Read MoreSURF provides a network, shared learning, events and online resources for community regeneration in Scotland. Their website contains useful information on Covid-19, the cost of living, 20-minute neighbourhoods, community wealth building and more.
Read MoreThe Hub of Hope is a UK-wide database of local mental health support including support provided by community groups and charities.
Read MoreAs well as providing links to your local citizens advice bureau, citizens advice scotland offer advice on their website relating to a range of issues, including welfare, financial hardship and other issues.
Read MoreScottish Rural Action is a platform for rural and island Scotland and works with members and partners to build a rural movement connecting rural communities with each other and with policticians and decision-makers. Amongst many other things, the SRA delivers the biennial Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament
Read MoreThe Rural Exchange provides information for, and gathers the views of, people living and working across Scotland’s rural and island communities with the aim of increasing their voice in both research and policy-making.
Read MoreAndy’s Man Club is a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. Andy’s Man Club aims to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation.
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