Search for Social Impact Pledges that are useful to you
Use the search bar to find Social Impact Pledges that make commitments that you can use in your local area.
You can search by theme and geography. Alternatively, visit the Social Impact Map to see where commitments are being made around Scotland.
Revenue Scotland’s Social Impact Pledge commits to supporting staff volunteering and fundraising as well as strenghtening ties with other public sector bodies and networks to grow their own awareness of socio-economic issues.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise have renewed their Social Impact Pledge, with commitments around staff volunteering leave and promoting Gaelic language and culture.
Historic Environment Scotland’s refreshed Social Impact Pledge commits to support key Gaelic communities to investigate and celebrate their heritage and language, inclusive use of the historic environment as a resource for learning and free access to historic attractions on the first Sunday of every month from October 2023 – March 2024.
Registers of Scotland’s Social Impact Pledge commits to providing mentorships for young people in the central belt, sharing data to support others to reduce carbon emissions and contributing to local community groups throughout Scotland.
sportscotland commits to making facilities, equipment and green spaces available to local schools and groups, donating used sport kits and improving accessibility information.
NatureScot has committed to increasing community engagement and volunteering opportunities, providing employment and funding opportunities for under-represented groups and co-designing accessible services with communities
Independent Living Fund Scotland’s first Social Impact Pledge makes a commitment that employees will have up to 5 days of special leave to volunteer for a charitable organisation
The Water Industry Commission for Scotland commits to delivering seminars to university students on the importance of economic regulation to sustainability and wellbeing in order to support future careers and awareness in this area.
The National Library of Scotland has committed to making the library more accessible, increased engagement with young people and expanding their exhibition work around Scotland.
The Care Inspectorate has committed to new methods of participation with people experiencing care to promote rights and enhance services, and working with a range of partner organisations to provide accessible and welcoming accomodation options for refugees and asylum seekers.
Commitments to support New Scots, provide vetinary services for homeless people and provide space for community engagement projects
Letting appropriate charities in Central Scotland use meeting space and facilities when available and supporting staff to fundraise and voluntunteer for chosen charities.
Pledges around thematic volunteering, matchmaking community requests with suppliers, and to use social enterprises for catering and the delivery of facilities management services.
Offering one day each in the next twelve months to a local charity and short work experience placement to a school pupil or student.
Volunteering at Turning Point and donations to both a local food bank and climate change project.