Community Health Exchange (CHEX)

Community Health Exchange (CHEX)

CHEX promotes and supports community-led health, a way for people in a community to take joint action to improve things for their community, leading to improved health and wellbeing and helping to address health inequalities. Most community-led activity fits this description, and CHEX welcomes any interested community groups to join its network and take advantage of resources, support and other opportunities on offer. CHEX also provides a searchable database of community-led health organisations.

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Community Enterprise

Community Enterprise

Community Enterprise provides development support to social enterprises, charities and voluntary groups to help make ideas a reality. They developed the Social Enterprise Eco-system Map, which enables you to navigate through the business support, learning, networking and finance available from different organisations.

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Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has a support section on their website to help you think through some of the key issues relating to starting and managing a voluntary sector organisation in Scotland. You can also find support and advice in relation to the climate emergency, the cost of living crisis and digital technology.

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Co-operate is part of the Co-operative Group, and is a website providing information to help local community groups across the UK in their activities, and also for people to find relevant local groups. The website includes a ‘how to’ section with guides to funding, finding a venue, planning activities, getting started and more.

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Third Sector Interfaces

Third Sector Interfaces

Whatever stage you are at, you could do worse than get in touch with your local organisation that supports voluntary organisations (sometimes called third sector interfaces) to ask about what support is on offer. The Scottish Government provides contact details for TSIs across Scotland.

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